
You Tricky Guys

Well.... Happy April 1st!
Goodness.....April already?
Where, oh where does the time go?

I love April.
But my goodness what ever happened to January? ;)

This is Luca and Meteo.
Two mischievous, tricky Jesters that live with us.
Meteo (little guy) is our newest addition. We picked him up a few months ago at T.J. Max actually. I was very surprised to find him there.

Luca..the big guy actually belongs to my husband. We've had him for many years. I don't know maybe 8 or 9 years ago visiting Disneyland one Christmas, my husband had his eye on a giant Jester that hangs in a giant wreath as your entering New Orleans Square. So with a little research and what not, Mr. Friend found this guy online one day and he had to come live with us. He's very similar to his buddy that lives in Disneyland.

Same artist!

I just found a snapshot of the Jester that my husband took @ Disneyland. (below)
Disneyland 2001

Our Luca's at least five feet tall! And as you can tell he takes up a whole chair all on his own.
He's pretty much a piece of furniture.

He "really" freaks people out when they come over.

But freaky or not... he's part of the family & we like him!

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and this little bear said...