
...lovely new treasures coming to my shoppe.

"Sweet Bubble-y Vase"
"Sweet Lefton Kitten"
"Sweet Set Napkin Holders"

"Sweet Wool Knit Bag"

Sweet Things!


A complete ensemble from my purchase this last Saturday :)
So very comfy!

The knit top is so lovely with its soft petals,
I feel like I scored BIG time with these boots!
Somebody must have returned them, because they were SUPER cheap!
AND...my size, how lucky was I?



There's One In All Of Us

I'm just hoping it's as good as I know it could be. I actually thought it was Tim Burton's film, but I'm wrong.
Guess he's too busy filming Alice In Wonderland....but that's OK Tim, take your time with that.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this movie anyways.

It's only one of my favorite childhood Storybooks!
So I have high hopes!

Photos are great!

Released October 2009


It's A Good Day

Yes, it's a good day for singing a song,
and it's a good day for moving alone; (ALONG)
Yes, it's a good day, how could anything go wrong,
A good day from morning' till night

Oh Peggy Lee! What a great song!


Could a day be any more perfect? I swear if my home were built between each one of these stores....


I sigh a lot huh?

Well it's the simple things just make me so darn happy!
I got some lovely, lovely things today at Anthro, had a really nice lunch at Whole Foods. Have you had the opportunity to visit Whole Foods? Such a beautiful place! Love it there!

Have a told you I love it there?


Birds & Strawberries

“One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Is this not the most perfect heart shaped Strawberry you've ever seen?

Washing, cutting and glazing four pounds of Strawberries yesterday.
All this well-worth-it-work for one of my most-favorite foods.
Strawberry Shortcake!
They're nicely glazing in my fridge right now, they should be perfect for tonight's dessert.
When it came down to it, I just couldn't cut this beauty, instead she's tucked away in Mr. Friends lunch for today :)



In Which A Girl Goes Thrifting

"Happy Thursday Lovely Storybook Readers!"

Yesterday was a good day of thrifting for me.
I found lots of good treasures for my shoppe.
I'm sharing a few of the many goodies I've found.

Here is a sneak peek:

"Silver Bud Vase"
"Trio of Milk-Glass Vases"

"Children's Size Silver Tea-Set"

"Vintage Chenille Covered PhotoBook"

"A Very Anthro-ish Tablecloth"
(sold already-thanks!)

These lovelies came from an old 1908 children's book. The book was so tattered and in terrible shape, but the pages we're near perfect. I decided they we're too charming to pass up. So I framed each page in vintage-found frames.
It's actually a bonus because each picture has another equally as cute picture on the back. I just choose my favorite side to frame.

"Too Cute!"

I'll have them listed soon.

I'd love for you to stop by my etsy shoppe, anytime.
If of course you on the hunt for some can't-live-without-vintage-goodness!

Thanks for Looking!


Another Wednesday!

  1. Wake-up
  2. Coffee
  3. Shower
  4. Dishes
  5. Feed The Zoo
  6. Dress
  7. Thrifting
  8. Internet
  9. Off to Work!
Jumper Dress~21
Boots~Anthro ;)
Brooch~The Black Apple

See ya soon,


Where, You Tend A Rose...

Come take a little walk with me?
Around the grounds of our little cottage?

Ok than...come along!

Why hello little bunny...are you lost?

Below..hanging there is my most favorite variety of the Fern Family.
"Rabbit's Foot Fern"
I have the best of luck with this species of fern, but I just love its texture, pretty little leaves and my favorite of course is the little rabbit feet legs!

Your always welcome to my garden!

Birdie... are you in there?

Aww...64', the perfect temperature!

Oh... please close the gate behind you....thank you!

Well that's it for now...I hope you enjoyed walking with me. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? Or coffee?

You would?



An Imaginary Voyage

The title is a wonderful description of this yummy cup o tea!

If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you.

Thought I'd share it with you. Silk Tea bag filled with Vanilla-Rooibos:

"A Full leaf African Rooibos tea(naturally caffeine free), also known as red tea, paired with Tahitian vanilla and cinnamon. Sweetened with classic syrup and topped with steamed milk and velvety foam."

I like to omit the "classic syrup" with Raw Sugar, and lots and lots of creamy foam. I just love foam. Whether it tops my Hot-Chocolate, Coffee-Misto or Tea-Latte! I just can't get enough, it's my whip-cream! If you have the chance, whether at the "Bux", or whipping it up at home. It's worth it.

Sipping, cuddling and reading make for a peaceful night.

Highly recommended for tea lovers! If you don't mind warm milk combined, as only the English would do :)

Happy Sunday!


About A Boy

I'd like you to meet someone:

A special guy....my gentle, loving husband. He and I play house in a two-story blue/gray cottage, with a old-grape-stake-fence in the front and a fish pond in the back.

Love At First Sight?

Yep..... and my high school sweetheart!

I'll never forget the first time I seen Stephen...I was sitting on the street curb with friends. I heard a group of boys walk up behind me, voices I wasn't familiar with. I swear, as I looked up over my shoulder, beams of light shined on him, I know it sounds silly, but it's true. I was in awe at this tall, silly acting boy.

That was 1987.
We married 1990.

I wish I knew the secret to a long, happy marriage. I guess if "I" could sum it up into one word for you it would be:



Butterflies, Flowers & Bird Nests... Oh My!

Red Geraniums:

My Favorite Flower!

Early morning's bright sun shine

It seems a bit different today

Open the window

hear the seagulls

spring is finally here!



Life Of A Bumble-Bee...

...and it's a good one too.

I feeling incredibly lucky today and fortunate with my life. I have a wonderful loving husband whom works very hard. I live in the house of my (realistic) dreams ;), in the neighborhood I've wanted to live in for as long as I can remember. I love my job. I'm owned by the best furry-babies one could hope for.
We're blessed with good heath.
I'm just having one of those days, where I'm counting today's blessings and forgetting tomorrow's worries.
Are you with me?

Cropped Cardigan~ MNG/Thrifted
Knit Blouse~H&M
Cable Knit Socks~Hue
T-Strap Pumps~Ecco

Happy Thursday Friends!


If you're enough lucky to be Irish,

...you’re lucky enough!

"Happy St. Patty's Day Story*Book Readers!"

I am in the spirit, as far as the Irish are concerned.
The yummy smells of my slow cooking Corned Beef & Cabbage, and potatoes. Well.... I am like 1/3 Irish! ;) I followed a recipe on-line that called for beer and mustard and brown sugar, I'm usually not a huge fan of this dish, but maybe this recipe will change my mind!


I'm really not in any mood to be pinched today ;)
SOOOooo.... this took care of that!

Naughty little leprechaun looking up my skirt!

Skirt~Vintage Old Navy
Over-The-Knee Socks~Target
Wooden Pin~Etsy
Green Pumps~Chie Mihara

So, I'll leave ya today with a St. Patrick's Day Quote!

"St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic." ~Adrienne Cook


((blinking)) Come in, WE'RE OPEN


Hope y'all had a nice, relaxing, fun-filled weekend.
Other than a little bit of "real-work", my weekend was all those things.

I have some great news:

...I just wanted to let ya know that I've opened my little Etsy shoppe. And...I've sold two items already!
Thank you SO much. I'm very excited! Now I have two jobs ;)
I've never had two jobs :D

bye for now,


Mary-Ann? Oh Mary-Ann?

"Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin; but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever say in my life!"

-I can't help myself sometimes. I just can't help but recite quotes from movies, with certain ensembles I put together. Maybe it's the colors, the style, ya know what I mean?
I'm really inspired with movies & fashion, and vintage children's books/movies & fashion.
It's been years since I've watched the 1967's Dr. Doolittle. I DVR'd it last night. My goodness that movie is fabulous!! Have you seen it lately? It's magical! Takes me into another world.
Those costumes and cottages and villages.

Just adorable!

Corduroy Coat~Gap
Ribbon Belt~Vintage

Oh yeah... if your on the hunt for some really nice knee-socks. I bought a basket full at Target yesterday... all on clearance! Target has some of my favorite knee-socks too. They're really nice!

See ya soon....

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Ugh! There I go again... ;)


Charming Quote

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is
summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ~ Charles Dickens

A little snippet of my trying-to-come-back-to-life garden from my backyard.

I am excited for spring. But.... I just want to clarify that Fall really is my favorite season.
My 2nd favorite is Spring..for it's cool and sunny days. My 3rd favorite is Winter, the coziness of the grey fog and sky's. The wonderful smells after a good rain. *sigh*
Summer is my least favorite....it's just too darn hot. We get triple digits here :(
For a lot of people Summer is where they spend most of their days outdoors, as for me I spend most of my days indoors, air-conditioned :) Unless, we head to the coast. Which is what we do a lot of in Summer. That I look forward to. San Fransisco, Carmel, Half Moon Bay, Mendocino or Fort Bragg to name a few.
Anyhoooo... it's nice out today! So I'm off the walk my poochers, than maybe a bit of lunch (Saturdays seem to be my Indian Food days).
Then a little shopping. That makes up for a perfect sounding day to me!
Have A Lovely Weekend,


((Hugs)) For Spring!

I LOVE you Spring let me count the ways:

1. How you freshen the air with your beautiful new blooms.
2. How you make everything happy in my garden.

3. How the sun shines on my favorite flowers.

4. How you bring my fishys back to life.
They love you for that..you know.

Oh...How I love you spring, let me count the ways!